USAID/Zambia SPLASH Project - School WASH Indaba, Day One
August 14, 2012 was the kick off day for the first ever WASH in Schools Indaba (a multi-stakeholder strategic planning meeting) in Eastern Province of Zambia. This event was convened by the Zambia Ministry of Education, UNICEF, and the USAID-funded Schools Promoting Learning Achievement through Sanitation and Hygiene (SPLASH) project, implemented by the WASHplus project. Ninety-three participants and 15 SPLASH staff gathered for the opening ceremony, along with high-level Eastern Province government representatives. An energetic traditional drumming and dancing group gave a positive and colorful beat to the occasion.
Publication Type:
Technical Area(s):
Publication Date:
August 2012
USAID, WASH, WASHplus, FHI 360, SPLASH, Zambia, Indaba, video