Integration Slide Decks

Integration was a core strategic objective of the WASHplus project, and almost all implementation countries had an integration component. Integration took place across different sectors including: WASH-HIV, WASH-nutrition, WASH-NTD, WASH-education.

WASHplus integrated WASH into HIV in Kenya and Uganda. These were deliberate integrated programs implemented with HIV funding. In Kenya, WASHplus also integrated inclusive sanitation into the Kenya WASH-HIV program to bring WASH to all vulnerable populations.

In Mali, WASHplus designed an integrated program of WASH and nutrition, while in Uganda the project integrated nutrition where possible into the WASH-HIV program and developed a card to promote good food hygiene practices. In Bangladesh, WASHplus collaborated with Feed the Future programs to integrate WASH, especially handwashing before cooking and feeding, but also focused on safely disposing of infant poo.

USAID’s NTD program provided WASHplus with funding to explore ways to integrate WASH and NTDs, and the project tested a WASH-NTD program model in Burkina Faso. Finally, WASHplus implemented a large WASH in Schools program in Eastern Province, Zambia, called SPLASH. This was funded with Water directive money channeled through the education sector and aimed for both WASH and education outcomes.

WASHplus has compiled several slide decks that share the project’s experiences integrating WASH into these different sectors. Some are focused on WHY WASH MATTERS to that sector and others are focused on WASHPLUS INTEGRATION ACTIVITIES/RESULTS in various countries. To the extent possible, the project has included notes pages to assist in telling the stories. 

Publication Type: 
Publication Date: 
July 2016
WASH, WASHplus, FHI360, USAID, Integration, SPLASH, project experience, results,

fhi360 care Winrock International

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