WASH and Disabilities
WEDC & WaterAid: Equity and Inclusion in WASH - Extensively field-tested by WaterAid and WEDC in Africa and Asia, the materials are participatory and interactive, and are designed to help WASH practitioners analyse and address the problems faced by the most disadvantaged people in accessing WASH services.
WaterAid Australia Inclusive WASH - Building skills towards inclusive water, sanitation and hygiene, this website is an ongoing learning project which aims to provide practical skills and evidence to support practitioners’ implementation of WASH projects in and equitable and inclusive way.
Water Supply and Sanitation Council: Disabilities and WASH - Links to WSSCC and other resources on inclusive WASH.
Selected Publications
Briefing note: Including disabled people in sanitation and hygiene services. 2011. SHARE; WaterAid. In March 2011, the SHARE consortium, WaterAid and the Leonard Cheshire Disability and Inclusive Development Centre (LCD) brought together 22 researchers and policy-makers with expertise in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), equity, inclusion, and disability to share knowledge and experiences, and develop a research program for disabled access to sanitation and hygiene services.
Technical manual on community water supply, hygiene and sanitation facilities. 2012. WaterAid Madagascar. This manual provides designs and cost estimates of WASH facilities for people with disabilities.
Towards Inclusive WASH: Sharing evidence and experience from the field. 2012. WaterAid Australia. This new publication is a record of the WASH sector’s efforts to achieve equity and inclusion in programming around the world. The publication includes one keynote paper by Hazel Jones (WEDC) and Louisa Gosling (WaterAid UK) and 16 case studies from a wide range of organisations in 13 countries and with examples from urban, rural and school WASH programming.