
WASH and HIV/AIDS Bookshelf

A collection of resources related to the intersection of water supply, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and HIV.

WASH and HIV/AIDS Toolkit

WASH & HIV/AIDS Integration - Resources for Planning, Programming and Assessing

Cooking Should Nurture, Not Kill

4 million people die prematurely every year due to smoke exposure from traditional cooking fires.This is more than the deaths from malaria, tuberculosis,and HIV/AIDS combined. The use of clean, reliable, affordable, efficient, and safe home cooking practices reduces exposure to household air pollution.

Baseline Survey: School WASH Facility Assessment

This report presents findings of the baseline study of the five-year USAID/Zambia-funded Schools Promoting Learning Achievement through Sanitation and Hygiene (SPLASH) project. The project’s overall objective is to sustainably improve equitable access to education through provision of safe water, adequate sanitation, hygiene information, and health practices to improve learning environments and educational performance in basic schools. The project operates in four districts of the Eastern Province: Chipata, Lundazi, Chadiza, and Mambwe.

Kenya Fact Sheets

Fact sheets on WASHplus Programs in Kenya, Community-led Totaly Sanitation, Equity and Inclusion in Sanitation and Hygiene, Working with Schools, Building National Capacity to Support Inclusive Sanitation, and Resources to Support WASH-HIV Integration.

WASHplus in Kenya Baseline Findings

This report presents the findings of a baseline survey that WASHplus conducted in 2013 in households with targeted vulnerable populations in three strata: peri-urban, rural, and semi-nomadic. A total of 3,211 households meeting specific eligibility criteria were visited in Kenya.

Improving Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in Southwest Bangladesh: An Overview

An overview of the three-year WASHplus program, implemented through WaterAid and local NGO partners, to improve water, sanitation, and hygiene in southwestern Bangladesh.

WASHplus Baseline Assessment of WASH Situation in Southwestern Bangladesh

This report summarizes the findings of a baseline survey conducted to support the implementation of a three-year WASHplus project designed to address the underlying causes of inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) conditions in hard-to-reach areas of southwestern Bangladesh.

WASHplus Behavior Change Strategy: Hygiene Promotion Guidelines for Bangladesh

The WASHplus activity aims to increase the consistent and correct practice of a suite of WASH behaviors in order to see related improvements in child growth and overall household resiliency and health.


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